I got a bee sting today too, at least I think it was a bee sting. It could have been a horsefly, I remember horsefly bites smarting like this one did. If it was a horsefly it was a Texas horsefly. I was composed, I only screamed, I did not crash.
We got our first taste of Texas hospitality tonight at First Baptist Church, Lemesa. Wow. The folks hosting us have been incredible. I’m sleeping in the nursery tonight, on my aerobed. I plug it in to inflate it, takes about 60 seconds. We do nurserys, Sunday School rooms and sanctuaries, you name it.

We ride about 95 miles tomorrow. I need to get to bed.
This has truly been an adventure, flats, cuts, bee stings and more. I’m loving every minute of it. I want to inspire you who are reading this blog. Live to hear God’s voice and ride like there’s no tomorrow… whatever your ride might be!
Pictures 1) I got tired of seeing me in front of signs, that's my bike. 2) My small ride group today was Dana, Mary and Bill.
Um, yeah, definately a Texas horsefly. You should know by now that everything--especially the bugs--is bigger in Texas. Welcome to our neck of the woods!! :)
Hey Doug thank for keeping us on the update. Your Pics are great. Its good to see you still have your sense of humor!
They will be better days ahead.
Terry and I will continue to pray for your group and ministry to the people of Guatemala.
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