Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Road to Alamogordo

I say it often, but I have to say it again.....It was a beautiful morning to ride! I have to pinch myself every once in awhile....It's gorgeous outside, the sun is coming up, and I'm on my bike in the middle of New Mexico....or wherever we are.

It didn't take me long to pick up a goathead --the morning flat tire has been the trend lately, but it was providential. It slowed us down long enough to meet Peter. He had pulled his pickup to the side of the road to find out what was making the grinding noise in the rear end. We talked about his mechanical issues until he found out we had been cycling 11 days and were on our way to VA. This bicycling mission thing is really cool --Wheel Power is on to something here --It creates genuine interest and opportunity to share the difference Jesus makes in our lives. I had the opportunity to present the gospel and lead Peter to the Lord. As he got back into his truck to drive off, we encouraged him to stop at the top of the pass (three miles to St Augustine pass, Hwy 70, 5,719feet) where our SAG (support and gear) vehicle was set up and ask for a New Testament. When we arrived at the top 20 minutes later, we found out that he had done just that. This is what this ride is all about --sharing this glorious message one on one while advancing the work to see God's Word accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their heart.

I miss my family bad, but oh, I'm so thankful for this opportunity. What a privilege, what a blast! Will you go the distance with us? Tomorrow's hill is the same 6% grade, but it's 15 miles long. Let's ride!


Anonymous said...

Hey Doug and team, glory to God in the most high! That is great you sharing Jesus with that guy Peter. bless you guys! I said you are truly trophies of His Kingdom. You were chosen before the foundation of the earth to complete this task. Thank you for sayiny YES and answering to call to go not only in central America but here in the U.S. 1Cor.15:58. i will continue to lift you guys in prayer. Doug you family at Faith also misses you and are praying for you

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the blog almost every day and your joy in the journey today brought tears to my eyes. We are praying that God will continue to give you safety, strength and stamina - I think we will add a request for more joy as well.

All for Jesus - Sue