Monday, July 30, 2007

Faith Comes By Hearing

Wycliffe has developed a dynamic partnership with FCBH, an organization committed to reaching people with God’s Word through Scripture listening groups. FCBH is committed to creating a New Testament recording and starting an FCBH program in every language where Wycliffe completes a translation. Each audio recording is distributed with the Proclaimer™—a specialized digital audio player—and helps break through the literacy barrier, allowing communities immediate access to translated Scriptures. As a result, lives are powerfully changed.


Reading is a wonderful gift that opens doors to information and opportunity. But for many cultures around the world, written language is a foreign concept. Wycliffe’s goal is to see that God's Word is accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their heart. However, even in literate societies, there are individuals who prefer to learn or assimilate information by methods other than reading. In those cultures we must look for ways to provide access to Scripture through other media.